Mike Ritchie
Posted 4 months ago
Tue 10 Sep, 2024 12:09 PM
When you live in private housing you need to remember you're not just a student anymore, but a tenant, resident of Manchester, and a neighbour. — Heading 1
Living in a mixed community means that your student lifestyle may clash with that of your neighbours.
Keep in mind that there may be people who live near that are elderly, have children, or health problems. Even if you end up next to other students, it doesn't mean they'll have the same social timetable as you.
Be mindful! — Heading 2
This doesn't mean you can't enjoy living in the community! You just have to be respectful of the people around you. There are some really easy ways to avoid becoming the 'noisy neighbour':
If you're heading out late at night, be aware that taxi doors slamming and horns can cause a disturbance —get the taxi driver to call or text you when they arrive and stay indoors until they do.
Be careful — Heading 2
Swapping speakers for headphones when indoors, especially during evenings and early mornings is a super easy solution to keeping it the noise down
When having guests round, remember you're responsible for keeping the volume to a minimum — don't let them be the reason for disturbances
Be a Heading 3
You might think that one party won't harm, but for local residents, the impact of these can be extremely disruptive or even upsetting. Just imagine it was your gran or grandad living next door!